Business Tools

Tech Set up for Webinars & Podcasts? Take ONE Step Now!

Farley asks:
“Would like to hear more about the technical setup for audio, lighting, web cam, etc? I’ve also noticed polished webinars the speaker’s eyes look right into the screen which keeps me engaged vs the less polished where the speaker’s eyes are focused off center as if they are directing their talk to someone else. “

— Farley asks about the technical setup for a podcast or video show

— Do the thing you can do NOW!

— Start NOW and improve as you go.

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Videos Tips from Ask A Web Geek

Q&A on websites, marketing, online tools, technology and more!

About C. J. Gilbert

CJ teaches Business Owners & Entrepreneurs how to use their websites as their number one business tool so they can save time, make more money and serve their clients better, faster & easier!

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Free Video Workshop

Improve your Business with this Free Mini-Course

Make your website do more for your business!

This free on-demand 7-pt video series will give you 5 Keys to Unlock the Mysteries of Your Website and Find its Hidden Profit.

Buckle up for a web-jungle tour that promises to reveal ways to improve your Search, Sales and Customer Service allowing you to Save Money, Save Time, and Serve your Clients Better, Faster & Easier!

Approachable & Entertaining!

Friendly, approachable, and entertaining presentation style - quite unique! I highly recommend you attend this free virtual workshop. Thank you, CJ!

- Marc B

Don't miss this!

Fabulous! Don't miss CJ Gilbert and the 5 Keys! Very informative and motivational! CJ is a great speaker that will keep your attention and give you valuable information for your website! Don't miss this!

- Susan H

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The second best time is today!